Our STaRS Team – Kae Whittles

Kae Whittles

Instructor in training

Instructor in training

At an early age Kae started taking riding lessons throughout the summers, 3-4 days a week which is where her love of horses began. She also had a part-time lease of a school quarter horse for a few years right before high school and has continued with lessons off and on throughout the years and recently completed her Canadian Equestrian Riding Levels 1 and 2 as a prerequisite to her BI CanTRA certification.

Kae is very excited to have started the CanTRA BI certification to follow her dream of becoming a Therapeutic Riding Instructor. She wholeheartedly believes in the special relationship between horse and rider as well as the mental, emotional and physical benefits riding lessons deliver to students.

As a volunteer for STaRS for the past 8 years Kae has witnessed the joy, confidence, self-esteem and progression of so many therapeutic riders. STaRS has been a consistent and rewarding part of her life and she is delighted to be pursuing her BI certification.

More recently Kae has discovered a new passion for Natural Horsemanship which she will continue learning to further develop her skills.

Kae will bring her enthusiasm, care for students, spirit for fun and share her love for horses with the STaRS community.

Get in touch

Southlands Therapeutic Riding Society
Phone/Text: (604) 837-2042  •   Email: stars@ponies.ca

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